Quality & Safety
We carry out the monitoring of standards and the physicochemical and bacteriological controls of all products.
IGEPAK, S.A. is committed to guarantee the confidence of its clients, workers and environment by means of an Integrated Quality Safety and Environment Management System. In addition, it also ensures the continuous staff training on the latest technologies and best practices and also for implementing innovations in our business.
This system is certified by AENOR since 1995 in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 9001 Quality Management Standard, and since 2016 in accordance with the UNE-EN ISO 22716 Standard (Cosmetics Good Manufacturing Practices). It includes all of the rules and regulations applicable to the product, the Prevention of Risks at Work and acts as a link to the Major Accidents Prevention System (SEVESO II), guaranteeing the service and product quality in addition to internal and environmental safety.
Our products are subjected to both physico-chemical and bacteriological controls and our aerosol manufacure and filling process strictly complies with the FEA standards and the Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) requirements. We regularly are audited by the competent authorities as well as our main customers and we are able to provide the documents required for the launch of any cosmetic product on the European market.
We carry out the monitoring and continuous updating of the applicable Standards to ensure compliance with the European regulations in force on cosmetics, dangerous products, risk prevention, environmental protection, etc.